Saturday, October 2nd Scouts will work together in teams to try and beat the Edmonton Corn Maze. Teams will also challenge each other to see who can bring the most food for the Food Bank.
We'll meet at the entrance to the corn maze at 12:00, scouts will join their teams (which will have been decided earlier) and will head into the maze.
If every one gets out, we will celebrate with a hot dog roast at our reserved fire pit...assuming that a scout with a fire permit can light the campfire for us. Any scouts who don't find their way out of the maze will be saddly missed...
This is a rain or shine challenge. Scouts will need to be prepared for cold and or rainy weather and bring appropriate clothing (rain gear, umbrella, good walking shoes or hiking boots, hat, sunscreen, full water bottle, paper, pencil and a knapsack to carry it all in). If it is raining badly we may have to cancel the campfire at the end. This is a full uniform event; because this is a team exercise scouts will show their unity by wearing their uniforms.
Parents and syblings are welcome to attend. Please let us know how many people will be coming so we can bring enough hot dogs. The cost of the event is $5.00 per scout, $10.00 for each additional sybling or parent brave enough to go through the maze.
Parents will be expected to take and pick up their scouts if they are not staying. Scout leaders will not provide transportation. Check out the Edmonton Corn Maze Website for directions: http://www.edmontoncornmaze.ca/.
See you there...or not, if I get lost.
Scouter Katie
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