Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Outdoor Investiture for Hope March 25, Mundare Sausage pickup

March 25th will be a special night for scouts because we are finally going to invest Hope as a Scout. She's been such a great addition to our troop and she fit in with us so quickly that we forgot she was new. I keep thinking she's been around forever!

But she hasn't, and so this is our chance to really welcome her to the 195 Ridgewood Scout Troop. This ceremony will be extra special because we will be doing it outdoors...regardless of the weather. This means I expect Scouts to be dressed in FULL UNIFORM and to be dressed WARMLY. Yes, this means LONG UNDERWEAR!

We can't go inside, even if we want to...so dress warmly.

We'll also be at Bisset, so we can't have a campfire (drat) so Scouts will be short that evening: 6:30 until 7:30. Enough time to PICK UP YOUR MUNDARE SAUSAGE ORDERS and have the investiture. Parents are invited to stay and participate in the investiture. Whether or not parents wear their long underwear is entirely up to them. What can I say? I only get to boss around the Scouts!

Troop Scouter Katie

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