Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fort Edmonton Camp

Dates: April 30th to May 2nd

The Scouts voted to attend this camp, and we are all really looking forward to it.

The Camp is located at Fort Edmonton Park which in the middle of Edmonton. Fort Edmonton is a living heritage museum and is important that we use the utmost care not to damage any buildings, displays or site amenities.
The camp is open to all Registered Scouts and third year Cubs. It is a perfect camp to bring those Cubs who may be thinking of joining the Scout Troop in the fall. The activities are an excellent mix of activities from the early 1900’s and today. Each Patrol participates in six program blocks – Saturday 4 and Sunday 2. The activities they are involved in are based on the choices the Scouts made at registration time.

I need to know by no later than March 11th, which Scouts will be attending. Committee members or parent helpers may also attend, but make sure to let us know so that you can be registered.

We take our own tents and food; most of the events are run by other scout troops and by venturer companies and rovers.

I've heard great things about this camp from other Scouters as well as some words of warning with regard to weather. If the weather is particularly bad on the Friday night, the Scout leaders will likely choose to send all the scouts home (to sleep in their warm, dry beds) and we'll come together early Saturday morning to be down there before opening ceremonies. But we'll worry about that when the time comes.

Scouter Katie
New Scout Section Head

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