Saturday, October 17, 2009

Voyageur Scouts

On behalf of the Scout Leadership Team, we wish to congratulate all of the newly awarded voyageur scout recipients during Investiture Night and a special welcome to all of the new invested scouts to the worldwide brotherhood of scouting. A very special thanks goes out to our Area Commissioner Garth Fitzner for attending this event.

Kindest Regards

William Pallot
Scout Section Leader/Group Commissioner

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Uniform Requirements for Sept 18th, 09 and Fall Camp

To All Scouts

All scouts who own a Ridgewood T-Shirt, Please wear your Scout T-Shirt and Necker for Thursday night, no uniform shirts please. All first year scouts, please wear a normal clean T-Shirt for thursday night.

As a reminder for the fall camp, All Scouts should wear there Ridgewood T-shirts for the Saturday activities at the camp. Please ensure you bring your neckers as well.

See you all there.

Scouter William

Stathcona Fall Camp Sept 18th - 20th, 2009

To all Scouts and Leaders

Just a freindly reminder that our first fall Camp is this weekend. Please ensure you are at Minchua School parking lot by no later then 6:20pm. Parent's make sure your youth has had a good dinner befroe he/she arrives for pick up. We will be leaving at 6:30pm sharp to head out to camp.

All camp supply lists will be handed out on Thursday night at Scouter William's residence. See you all there.

Scouter William

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome Scouts returning and new.

On behalf of the Ridgewood Scout Troop, I would like to say Hello and welcome to all returning and new scouts for this upcoming year. We have a great year of activities and planning ahead of us. With the input of the Scout Leadership of last year and the enthusiasm of the new youth coming into the Troop. I'm looking forward to a year filled with advenure, discovery and great times. The new Scout Leadership Team looks forward to working with you all this year. Watch the website for upcoming events and thursday evening activities.

See you all next week.

Yours in Scouting

Scouter William Pallot

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Scouts (boys and girls ages 11-14)

Enjoy mountain biking, rock-climbing, canoeing, kayaking, extended hikes and lots of camping. These are just a few of the adventures you'll tackle in Scouting. You'll enjoy your outdoor adventures as part of a team, working together with other young people to accomplish thrilling challenges. Scouting gives every member a chance to be a leader. It might involve running an activity, organizing a camp, or participating with other young people across your province or Canada in a youth forum. Scouts meet in a group called a troop. The troop is split into smaller groups called patrols. There is one leader for every six Scouts. Each Scout learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Webmaster Post

I am trying to ensure that all parts of the web site are working correctly. If you have the time I would appreciate it if you could leave comments on blog posts for all groups, click on all links and generally put the site through it's paces to iron out any bugs that may be lurking.

Also if anyone has a good photo that reflects 195 Ridgewood that I could use for a header image I would appreciate it. Or any ideas on what would would make a good header; a campsite, a fire, a group shot, etc.

Also please use the contact form to submit various enquiries.

Thanks for your time
