Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 9th Bottle Drive

195 Ridgewood Bottle Drive

April 9th at Minchau School Parking Lot

Starts at 9:30 am...goes all day...

It's the last major fundraiser of the year and everyone's participation is expected. This is a full uniform event. It's also a rain or shine event, so everyone must be prepared for cold, windy and even rainy or snowy weather.

Lunch will be served. Parents are asked to bring their vehicle registration, valid driver's license, and insurance and be prepared to drive youth to and around their assigned routes. Parents should also think about protecting the inside of their vehicles with tarps, as bottles and cans are STICKY!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winter Camp February 18-20, 2011!

The Cubs have graciously invited us to join them at Camp Maskepetoon on February 18th to the 20th for winter camp!

Weather and snow permitting, our goal on Saturday will be to build a quinzee large enough for several Scouts and one leader (guess who?) to sleep in on Saturday night.

We will also try to cook at least two of our meals outside as we continue to hone our campfire cooking skills.

Cost has yet to be finalized, but will likely be between $25.00 to $30.00 per youth.
Registration deadline is January 31st. Scouts will learn more about the weekend on January 20th.

Scouter Katie

Our next mandatory fundraising event are the chocolate sales to be held February 5th and 6th at the Walmart in Sherwood Park.

This is a full uniform event for the Scouts.

Sign up sheets will be available soon.

What a relief...just in time for Valentine's!


It's a full uniform event and parents need to arrange to bring their Scouts to MEC by 7:00 pm. Either Scouter Audrey or I will be near the front with the sign in sheet. Parents are encouraged to stay as there is lots to see and learn at MEC. They know a lot about camping and outdoor activities, and about making those experiences as fun and safe as possible. Plus there's a sale on, which is very unusual for MEC...and it's just for us!
See you there.
From Scouter Katie

(a.k.a. the pigpen cypher)

Here's the key to the Masonic cypher that we've learned. Just in case you needed a reminder!